• @Draghetta
    01 year ago

    literally every church

    Churches gonna church. They claim the religiousness of the holiday with the same fervour with which Mussolini claimed Italy to be the Roman Empire, and they are equally laughable.

    Much like 1930s Italy with Ancient Rome, Christmas is rooted in Christianity but that’s about it. No amount of preaching can wish the religious holiday back into existence.

    And about the “true meaning of Christmas” that sickens you and me alike, how many of those preachings about it are about Christ? If you watch the grinch movie, does it end with him being born again in Jesus?

    Of course people that still link Christmas and Christ exist, but they are a laughable minority in the west. hate on Christmas all you want, but do it for the right reasons.

    • FuglyDuck
      11 year ago

      yes, please do keep arguing your domgmatic view and insisting I follow your perceptions of a world that, I’m guessing is quite a bit different than my own.