Almost all my life I’ve absolutely despised children. Pretty much from the moment I stopped being a child I’ve hated being around children.

It doesn’t even matter what the child is doing. Whether they’re laughing and having fun or screaming and throwing a tantrum. The sound of a child being loud activates an almost primal rage that I can barely contain.

I’ve had to leave social gatherings/restaurants/grocery stores all because if I’d stayed I’d have made a complete ass of myself by screaming at a child just for existing.

It’s even worse with infants which makes me feel horrible because I know they can’t help it. I know the kids don’t know any better and it’s our job as adults to get them through childhood, but my blood boils when they get loud or demand attention.

Has anyone else dealt with something like this? Is there anything I can do to stop from getting so angry?

  • @Artisian
    6 months ago

    It’s very weird to me that you’re only listing loud things children do… Like, have you ever been around a sleeping child? Do they bother you? What about in a classroom, watching a movie, or running in the distance (out of earshot)?

    Average volume of a child is higher than adults, but only by a factor of 2 or so. And their noises are interpretable, you can definitely figure out what they mean, unlike the adult noises.

    • 𝕱𝖎𝖗𝖊𝖜𝖎𝖙𝖈𝖍
      226 months ago

      Average volume of a child is higher than adults, but only by a factor of 2 or so.

      Most adults are also unbearable so that’s not convincing anyone

      • @Artisian
        06 months ago

        But I think blaming children for the fact that all people are unbearable is… idk, you’ve mistaken a symptom for a problem? Working on the general misanthropy is probably a better start?

    • DacoTaco
      56 months ago

      At this point it might as well be a natural response to childeren to link them to the loud noises ( which irritate op ). Tbh, i was thinking the same and it might help you realise what you hate ( childeren, or just loud noises )

    • @arin
      26 months ago

      As an adult I’m louder sleeping (snoring at 80 dB) than being active in the day

      • @Bgugi
        76 months ago

        Lol, OSHA gonna visit your bedroom!