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Production: Hubert Walas
Research & analysis: Andrzej Krajewski
Video production: Łukasz Szypulski
Voiceover: Hubert Walas
Music: Moments - Stopped Time
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[email protected]
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#EU #germany #france
I think we could have done that a few years ago, or in maybe 10 years. But currently many countries do not see the benefit of Europe and even want to exit. It would also take away the identity to a country like France. In my German bubble on the other hand, many people do not identify with Germany and rather with Europe. In my opinion, everyone would benefit greatly by equalising laws and finances across the EU. Even though it will be a huge challenge to keep prices fair. But I like the thought a lot, and could not find arguments against it. Of cause each country or region should still have potential power over their laws to a certain degree