So i was told i had autism when i wa salmost out of elemtray school and ive always been treated like an outcast and everything is just hard for me. i feel like my family understands i have autism and other things but at the same time they just dont understand, if that makes sense. “normal” everday joe’s bascilly act like total jerks to us and i dont understadn why they just asume who we are for no reason.

this all annoys me to say and ye si have depression too, is there a way to have atleast one person understand what its like being autistic by chance?

also sorry about ranting and being agry i hav ealot of my mind that i need to share.

  • Nanachi
    1 year ago

    It changes from person to person, so what I and others can say here aren’t all valid, especially not mine as I got really lucky with treatment-

    For most others, I can’t -obviously- directly tell, but not “suiting” most communities do hit most of us hard. Makes sense for some of us, it is not that most of us mentally can’t comprehend social logic and therefore don’t need friends to be stable, it is that our social logic works different and we need interaction still. Sometimes, it is too different to the point where every aspect just appears alien to us, as NTs are the ones who do weird, unexplained things usually which are what we call (y’know) the “untold rules of communication™”.

    For me, it is usually the society that has to cope with my difference, not me- lol. I am different because I am myself; and I like being myself. NT social logic has become some sort of a “second nature” to me, as I am a socially adaptive autistic person (what I call a HFA). I had not experienced anything directly negative from the autism of mine, but that obviously doesn’t suit many here. Not you too, I assume.

    I think NTs can understand autism. Yes, they struggle understanding us socially adaptive autistic people even, which I know, doesn’t sound like a good answer for socially “unadaptive” autistic people- but again, I do think it is possible, if proper representations of community can be achieved. I see moderate-severe autistic people here posting in a comprehensible manner whom do many contributions to this community- they are understood here, I think and hope so… It is just a matter of adaptation for them (the NTs). But until then, we have to stick together; since we understand one another despite our huge differences. We understand eachother because we do have this common point- we are all different.

    If you need someone to talk to, there are many of us here. Most of us are here for that reason too, lol.