As for me, it’s probably Katakysm’s The Black Sheep

  • @foggy
    9 months ago

    Not a fan of most OG thrash bands, personally, so my top picks would be bands influenced by those bands.

    I’d say top thrash riff pick would probably be

    Children of Bodom - Lake Bodom

    I’d have to revisit Kiuas’s first 3 albums to pick out the thrash bangers. They’re mostly power metal with some thrash, black, and melodeath.

    If well allow Kiuas - Heart Of The Serpent as thrash, then yeah. But idk kinda more black/power metal than thrash.

    I guess of OG thrash I do love sepultura… And Kiko Laurieo in general. Does Angra count by association? Or are they way too power? 😔

    • @foggy
      19 months ago

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