I found these paragraphs inspiring enough to share. Just living is praxis when you live mindfully.
Source: https://theanarchistlibrary.org/library/brian-a-dominick-animal-liberation-and-social-revolution
I found these paragraphs inspiring enough to share. Just living is praxis when you live mindfully.
Source: https://theanarchistlibrary.org/library/brian-a-dominick-animal-liberation-and-social-revolution
Sure but don’t flagellate yourself if you take a plane once per year to see your family who live across the globe in your home country.
I see a lot of comments that make it seem like the burden of the environment falls on you, which is crazy. There are things affecting the climate that absolutely and unfathomably dwarf what you as an individual contribute. Don’t get me wrong though, anyone trying to do their part is admirable in doing so, and it’d be nice if more people that are capable of doing so, tried to.
I think people are really failing to understand how rich they are on a global level lol. In order for humanity to exist on this planet without fucking up the climate anymore, and keeping our ridiculous numbers up, we need to drastically reduce the average quality of life for developed nations, while drastically uplifting developing nations standards of living. No more poor people or billionaires, no more mindless consumerism.
To do my part I pledge to not own a private jet, nor a yacht, nor a fossil fuel company.
Actually nobody should be taking pleasure cruises or flying for a vacation…
Sorry, I’ll just cross the ocean on my yacht then.