Even more so for free shipping. Most places will charge you a fortune to get express shipping and a moderate price to get shipping that takes like 2 weeks. If they even have free shipping, you’ll have to spend a hefty amount to get it and even then, good fucking luck if you’re not American (a ton of sites ship to both the US and Canada, but exclude Canada from any free shipping options, plus charge us extra to boot).
It feels like Amazon has no real competition where shipping speed and price are concerned.
you mean like online shopping in general?
I assume they mean having it arrive within 48 hours, which is not typical of most online shopping.
Even more so for free shipping. Most places will charge you a fortune to get express shipping and a moderate price to get shipping that takes like 2 weeks. If they even have free shipping, you’ll have to spend a hefty amount to get it and even then, good fucking luck if you’re not American (a ton of sites ship to both the US and Canada, but exclude Canada from any free shipping options, plus charge us extra to boot).
It feels like Amazon has no real competition where shipping speed and price are concerned.
This is not accurate at all in my experience. Waiting 5+ days is typical for non-Amazon orders. I’ve waited 30+ days for books.