Ripping off a post I just saw in the Isaac Arthur subreddit. Imagining we work out the technical ability. Examples they suggested were:

  • No periods
  • No balding
  • No nausea
  • No body odor
  • Resistance to obesity and muscle wasting
  • @JusticeForPorygon
    6 months ago

    I still find it insane that babies developed compressing skulls before their mothers developed wider pelvic bones

    • @CaptainPedantic
      16 months ago

      Who needs wider pelvises when you can break your child’s collarbone instead?

      Source: My collarbone broke when I was being born.

      • @JusticeForPorygon
        16 months ago

        Nasty. How sturdy are infant bones? To they break easily? What’s the healing process?

        • @CaptainPedantic
          26 months ago

          I’m not sure, I wasn’t really paying attention since I was brand new lol.

          But the doctor wasn’t worried. In fact she told my parents that within a few months it would be impossible to tell my collarbone was ever broken.

          The Internet says children typically wear a sling for 3 to 6 weeks for a broken collarbone. I’d assume my parents just swaddled me or something. I’ll ask them.