• @ArcaneGadget
    394 months ago

    What a retarded, fear mongering headline. Nothing even happened! A tiny amount of water has sloshed over the edge of two fuel cooling pools INSIDE the containment area. During a freaking earthquake. I’m pretty sure that is entirely expected and within operating parameters for a plant like this.

    Now I’m not really a big fan of nuclear power in general, but this is dumb…

      • @Zippy
        14 months ago

        No. No they don’t. Oil and gas was supporting and were going to cornerstone the construction of a nuclear plant in our area some fifteen years earlier and environmental groups along with public outcry got it shut down.

      • @Oderus
        44 months ago

        It’s 2024 son, time to grow thicker skin.

        • @[email protected]
          -34 months ago

          No :). Looking through your comment history, I’ll let you know that I understand adolescence is tough. I really hope you grow up to be a better person than you are now. Have the day you deserve friend!

          • @Oderus
            24 months ago

            I love how much you’ve assumed from nothing. How’s that thin skin working for you?

              • @Oderus
                4 months ago

                Clearly not well as you keep replying to my comment. Some may say you’re retarded

      • @ArcaneGadget
        4 months ago

        The euphemism treadmill can piss right off. Following the logic of “banning” the dreaded “R-word” why aren’t people also brigading against the previous victims of said euphemism treadmill? Words like “slow” “idiot” “stupid” “moron” “imbecile” etc. Retard isn’t even the latest one in the line! Professionals don’t use “mentally retarded” in a clinical setting anymore. I would never call someone with an actual disability “retarded”. Not to their face and especially not behind their back…

        Oh! And trying to make it a “word-that-must-not-be-named”, implying similar connotations to the "N-word" (“removed” for completeness sake) is just… No.

        That I also find stupid (whoops) by the way. Beating around the bush with euphemisms for words like that just gives them even more power…

        Edit: Oh wow… Lemmy censors that even in actual language discourse? Not impressed. Not impressed at all…