• tygerprints
    69 months ago

    Seems about right, I’m just surprised it took so long into the new year for this to happen. No one has any right to feel bad about this - it’s what people want, and Americans like guns more than kids, so nobody should be surprised or upset about this at all.

    • @chitak166
      9 months ago

      I’d say people like money more than someone else’s kids.

      You don’t see wealthy people going on killing sprees at nearly the same rate as poor people.

      So long as the disparity in wealth continues to grow, these problems will only get worse.

      • tygerprints
        19 months ago

        And people like guns also, more than someone else’s kids. And hey I’d rather have people in love with money. Money DOES make the world go around, whether we like to admit it or not. Get it by any means you can.

    • @[email protected]
      -199 months ago

      It really isn’t a gun problem; that’s a symptom of a much larger societal sickness. Banning guns won’t stop this because mass shooters aren’t going to abide by the law. We have a country south of us that smuggles in illegal products on a daily basis.

      What we need is a better mental health care system.

      • @afraid_of_zombies
        129 months ago

        Anything so you don’t have to give up your murder machines.

        • @[email protected]
          -59 months ago

          I don’t actually own any guns, but look at how effective the war on drugs was.

          Criminals aren’t going to suddenly throw away their guns because it’s now illegal to have them.

          • Montagge
            89 months ago

            Most mass shooters like this aren’t criminals beforehand. An overwhelming majority of them acquired their firearms legally.
            Because guess what? It’s fucking hard for 9th grade little Billy to get his hands on an illegal firearm.
            Reduce the number of legal firearms will reduce the number of mass shootings by directly reducing the number of people that would commit a mass shooting and by reducing the number of stolen firearms in circulation.

            • @afraid_of_zombies
              59 months ago

              Don’t you understand? All 19 year olds are Jason Bourne and have access to the network and funds needed to get guns in a future where they are banned.

              I am very confident that if I tried to buy a gun illegally that I would fail at it and go to jail for a long time.

              • @HipHoboHarold
                29 months ago

                I’m pretty sure most of us wouldn’t even make it far enough to go to jail, unless we asked for guns from a honeypot online. Like I legitimately don’t even know who I would ask to get started on being able to buy one illegally.

                • @afraid_of_zombies
                  19 months ago

                  And yet somehow someway every single person who is desperate enough and poor enough to attempt a home robber will be able to buy guns that the government is actively looking for. And the kinda of people who are unstable enough to shot up a school will have enough stability to raise who knows how msny thousands of dollars to buy a AR-15 from the underworld.

                  Makes no freaken sense.

          • @afraid_of_zombies
            19 months ago

            Your analogy is false and you should feel bad for making it. Do people get addicted to guns? No. Can you cut guns with baby powder and the like? No. Can you smuggle drugs through a metal detector? Yeps. Does cocaine allow you to kill who knows how many dozens of kids at a school or at a concert? No.

            The goal isn’t to stop random criminals. The goal is to make mass shootings a lot more difficult.

                • @StorminNorman
                  19 months ago

                  I’ve literally given you proof that you can. You can get addicted to anything that gives you dopamine. Either provide proof for your claim like I have, or shut the fuck up.

            • @[email protected]
              -59 months ago

              No, my analogy isn’t false. Banning something only creates a booming black market, as we saw with the war on drugs.

              I’m not sure why you thought I was saying that guns and drugs carried the same dangers.

              • @afraid_of_zombies
                19 months ago

                Really how is the booming market for asbestos going? Answer the question

                  • @afraid_of_zombies
                    29 months ago

                    Why can’t you answer the question? You said banning something causes a booming black market and I asked you about asbestos. This should be so simple for someone who I am positive has had 2,000 arguments on Twatter about the definition of assault rifle.

      • tygerprints
        79 months ago

        I disagree in part because I see it as both a gun problem and a mental health crisis. Guns have one purpose, to create a lethal hole in somebody. So it makes no sense to me that a human would want anything to do with them. Part of the mental health problem is getting people to see how dangerous guns are and making sure people with histories of violence don’t get hold of them.

          • @afraid_of_zombies
            09 months ago

            Very true. There is also showing up to a BLM protest and “defending” yourself. You know like your buddy Kyle “crocodile tears” Rittenhouse did

            • tygerprints
              29 months ago

              That Rittenhouse bastard - he should’ve been sent to prison for his entire life. What a murderous piece of filth.

              • tygerprints
                19 months ago

                Not only do I try to forget, I actively work against hunting laws. To me hunting is as much a blood sport as killing children in a school. So no I didn’t forget about it, I just think people (who are men) who engage in it are sick and nasty people.

                  • tygerprints
                    09 months ago

                    Better an idiot than a motherfucking turdball like yourself. You can shove your gun up your asshole and pull the trigger and we’d all throw a party. You’re a worthless lump of horse dung.

          • tygerprints
            09 months ago

            I’d believe that if people actually only used them for hunting, but they don’t, and there’s nothing more awful than people with guns.

        • @[email protected]
          19 months ago

          Everyone knows how dangerous guns are. Part of the point of owning one is that it can be used in a dangerous situation to protect yourself.

          The mental issue part is why anyone would want to harm another human with one.

      • @assassin_aragorn
        69 months ago

        If the problem is societal sickness, then maybe we should make it harder to get guns. Not a ban, but require better background checks and perhaps interviews. Force private sales to use the same system. And if someone is throwing up red flags, intervene and temporarily confiscate their gun.

        I don’t think any of this is unpopular. Being inconvenienced and having to wait longer to get a gun is hardly an infringement of rights. Mass shooters may not abide by the law, but neither do people who make meth. Yet, we still have restrictions on purchases to try and minimize meth production.

        • @[email protected]
          19 months ago

          I never said I was against reasonable restrictions, but I guess people think that acknowledging that an outright ban wouldn’t solve the problem means I’m against all gun control.

          I don’t even own a gun.

          • @assassin_aragorn
            19 months ago

            I don’t know if it would fix the problem, and I don’t advocate for a total ban on all guns, yet people don’t think I’m against all gun control. It’s all about what you emphasize as important.

      • @HipHoboHarold
        59 months ago

        Why not both? Getting an illegal gun is expensive. Make it even more difficult, and not only does it likely go even more underground, but it costs even more. Eventually you’re gonna have illegal ownership dwindle. So even if the majority were from illegal gun ownership, it would be so much harder to get. Like I personally wouldn’t even know where to begin.to look for a gun.

        • @SlurpDaddySlushy
          29 months ago

          This. Also gun control isn’t banning guns. Regulation makes getting a gun significantly more expensive and harder to do.

          Also every time I hear someone use the “they’ll just smuggle them in” argument I want to know their stance on drug prohibition.

      • AlwaysNowNeverNotMe
        39 months ago

        They use our guns in that “country to the south.” Often procured through the direct incompetence of our own officials.

        • @[email protected]
          -59 months ago

          And how much would you like to bet that the US gun manufacturers will open up shop in Mexico if a gun ban is implemented?

          Again, guns are a symptom, and banning them is nothing more than a bandaid.

          I’m not some 2A nut either. I don’t actually own any guns.

          • AlwaysNowNeverNotMe
            39 months ago

            Dude. Mexico has some of the strictest gun laws on earth. You can only legally buy a gun inside a single military base in the whole country.

            • @[email protected]
              -19 months ago

              I’m sure they also have laws against cocaine, but that doesn’t stop it from being trafficked. Cartels tend to be largely above the law.

              • AlwaysNowNeverNotMe
                19 months ago

                The same could be said hm about us. Of course our intelligence agencies created the cartels though.

              • @afraid_of_zombies
                -19 months ago

                People get addicted to cocaine and it can be smuggled in the rectum. Not the same thing at all

                • @StorminNorman
                  19 months ago

                  As I said, and showed proof of before, guns can be addictive. And if you think the majority of cocaine that enters the US is doing it via peoples rectums, then you are even dumber than I thought you’d already proven yourself to be.

          • @afraid_of_zombies
            19 months ago

            Oh you so so do not want to try gun running from Mexico to the US. Anyone that would try it is too stupid to live. The border guards will be very polite to you as they put you down with assault rifles. You know if you are lucky. If the cartels don’t catch you instead and hack off body parts. Or the regular police there don’t put you in a jail for 8 years without a trial.

            Don’t fuck with the Mexican border. You check every bag you have ten times to make sure you don’t even have something that can even resemble a knife. Go read up on what happened to the American citizen who they found a spent bullet casing in his truck.

            • @[email protected]
              09 months ago

              Do you honestly think that it’s impossible to smuggle stuff across the border, or that smuggling only happens at border crossing checkpoints?

              • @afraid_of_zombies
                -19 months ago

                I honestly think it would be hilarious for me to watch you attempt it. Please livestream it. Please please try this. Think about how owned I will be.

                • @StorminNorman
                  9 months ago

                  You are a giant idiot. I agree with you on the need for gun control bit, but all your arguments are extremely flawed. Like this one you’ve posted here. Sure, jimbob might struggle to get a gun across, but there is still gonna be a shitload of them getting across. It is literally the world’s busiest border. Even a country with a hard on for authority like the US struggles to catch anywhere near close to everything that illegally crosses that border. And your asbestos argument? That’s shit house too. For one, it’s not even banned in most of the world (including the US). Two, there’s still a problem with people trying to import products with it in into countries that have banned it. And three, it’s irrelevant because the govts that have banned it have made alternatives readily available that are nearly as effective, thus giving the public legal alternatives. Why is that important? Because let’s look at what happened when govts don’t provide alternatives. Like when the US banned alcohol (which is a ban that still exists in some countries today). Or the war on drugs. Or the illegal trade of exotic animals. They are booming markets. Sure, be against all the horseshit we see come out of the US in regards to gun crime and advocate for tighter gun control, but at least try to be intelligent about it. Your whataboutism is not only wrong, it’s a really dumb way to try and prove a point, even if you were right.