• @SoleInvictus
    6 months ago

    It’s always hilarious when someone pulls the “you let this guy live rent free in your head” card about the greatest current threat to American democracy. Yes, we should just pretend he doesn’t exist. It’s almost always followed by one or more arguments that show they lack even a surface level understanding of the details of the situation. This post manages to live up to that ‘standard’.

    This is what happens when you have an uneducated populace. A lack of critical thinking skills leads to the adoption of nonsensical viewpoints based on emotion instead of reason. When those viewpoints are challenged, they’re similarly met with typically meaningless, emotion-driven responses (a la “he lives in your mind rent free”) as the adopters lack the capacity to respond with reason.

      • @[email protected]
        46 months ago

        Does that mating call work? Most magats I know just rape the livestock. Interesting, you try seduction instead.

      • @SoleInvictus
        16 months ago

        I mean, posting easily disproven drivel made it pretty clear you’re a sheep, but I appreciate the demonstration.