• @[email protected]
    139 months ago

    I’ve spent my whole voting life watching things only get shittier and shittier voting for the lesser evil. I stand by my claim that we deserve to collapse as a nation at this point.

    You’ll tell me thats a crap attitude, and it is. But I will tell you that no matter how you vote, the tipping point where it breaks into unsalvageable violence is getting closer and you better be ready for it. History shows us it always ends in violence when an empire hits this stage.

    • AbsentBird
      89 months ago

      How is Biden worse than Trump? If anything trump was even more pro-Israel.

      • that guy
        39 months ago

        Some people out there see him as the anti-war candidate since he didn’t start any new wars in his first term. The bar is so pathetically low on candidates and warmongering

        • AbsentBird
          09 months ago

          But they said voting for the lesser evil has only made things worse. Isn’t Biden an improvement?

          • Herbal Gamer
            19 months ago

            Lesser Evil, Greater Evil, all still evil.

            It’s like saying it’s okay to take one step back because it could’ve been two.

            • AbsentBird
              9 months ago

              I’m just having trouble understanding how it’s a step back. Isn’t it a step forward from where we were?

              Like we got public infrastructure investments, money for renewable energy, funding for high speed rail. We wouldn’t have any of those things if trump had won another term. It seems more like a little geriatric step forward than a step back.

      • @[email protected]
        9 months ago

        Tell me you’re in your teens or early 20s without actually saying it.

        Begging for the beneficence of someone who has spent the last 6 decades pissing on us and being happy it’s not worse is pathetic.

        Don’t worry. I’ll “vote blue” like a good boy. But we rot as a country either way. It changes nothing except how long before the tipping point.

        That’s not to say we can’t save our communities. Look inward. Local mutual aid and organization is going to mean more than ever. Just don’t expect help from the corporate parties.

          • @[email protected]
            29 months ago

            There really isn’t much nuance or gray area when it comes to genocide.

            The United States’ Biden Administration is currently funding and supporting a genocide in Gaza. That is unforgivable.

            Trump would be even worse than Biden. But there are enough people in Michigan, Wisconsin, Pennsylvania, and Arizona who are going to be turned off by this (and by inflation, etc) that it won’t matter.

            The Democratic Party is fully to blame for this result, no American voter is culpable for what happens in November.

            The 2024 election should be a slam dunk for any Non-Republican Party. The Democrats’ political incompetence is solely to blame for any loss - and that incompetence is reaching a point where it is hard to believe that they are accidentally this stupid. All of this is going to support the “Monoparty” and other conspiracy theories, which are looking less and less like mere theories