So, I’m looking for a career change since I’m probably going to move to a city of approx 200K people. What’s something that everyone needs either it’s simple or more complex?

Not interested in funeral services 😛

  • @Paragone
    -59 months ago

    Look into the trades.

    Rock solid employability, especially if you’re competent in self-employment.

    You get to experience, 1st-hand, middle-class & upper-middle-class prejudice/contempt/denigration-programming, too

    ( which is useful karmically: many of us are unconsciously-wired to buy-into class-system-based-“validity”/status,

    and facing into karma, or, as Yehoshua “Jesus” benJoseph said the same thing, “taking up one’s cross”, as a means of destroying the unconscious-ignorances that undermine our Eternities/Souls/CellsOfGod in THEIR evolution is strategically wise, see?

    I don’t want my Soul/ChildOfGod EVER getting caught in some life due to its unconsciousness, ever again!

    Rip the unconsciousness-rule “strategy” right out from the ground, you know?

    I needed 7y of outright-homelessness to finally crack my unconscious-mind’s sticking-to-class-prejudice,

    and I still haven’t ripped out all of the remnants,

    but the core of it cracked a decade ago, and my life is free-er as a result, the Eternity I’m just a little participant in, is no longer “stuck on a rock, in the rapids” of Eternity/karma…

    Facing into karma, as a means of freeing one’s Soul can be immensely empowering.

    Also, smart tradespeople outcompete many, being able to make/earn their economic-autonomy much quicker than the “professional” rat-race/treadmill people do.

    ( partly that has to do with a good trade ticket taking only 1-2y, whereas a 4y university-degree is … worthless, economically, worse, it is tons-of-debt. )

    _ /\ _

    • capital
      49 months ago

      ChatGPT, write a comment about how trades make for good stable jobs but then veer HARD into woo-woo bullshit about souls and stuff.

      I want people to think twice about upvoting the initial good advice.