Hi guys, do you know if there is a good RSS Feed service that can be self-hosted which also exposes a good front-end to read the subscribed news? Thanks in advance.

  • @sturlabragason
    1 year ago

    For a self-hosted RSS feed service, there are several options:

    1. Tiny Tiny RSS: It’s an open-source web-based news feed reader and aggregator for RSS and Atom feeds, praised for its Android client availability.

    2. FreshRSS: A free, self-hosted RSS and Atom feed aggregator that is known for being lightweight, powerful, and customizable. It also supports multi-user access, custom tags, has an API for mobile clients, supports WebSub for instant push notifications, and offers web scraping capabilities.

    3. Miniflux: A minimalist and opinionated feed reader that is straightforward and efficient for reading RSS feeds without unnecessary extras. It’s written in Go, making it simple, fast, lightweight, and easy to install.

    Not self hosted but I did it this way:


    • efscher
      71 year ago

      I’ve been using Miniflux for a few years now, no complaints. Mostly with an iOS-based Reeder app, occasionally with the Web frontend.

    • @[email protected]
      31 year ago

      I’ve been running Miniflux on a free tier GCP instance for a few months now. Then I use RSS Guard on my desktop and FeedMe on my phone to read stuff.

      I’d like to try FreshRSS, but just cannot get my URLs to resolve correctly with it. After a few hours of trying, I reverted to if it ain’t broke, don’t fix it. Miniflux all the way for me (for now).