• beefbot
    39 months ago

    I saw the 2017 one. IT WAS WORTH IT.

    We planned ahead of time, got the time off. Bought the special glasses, packed a picnic. Drove out away from cities hours before to a spot we thought would be less crowded - we were right. Weather / clouds? Took a chance & got lucky.

    It was weird. The birds went quiet, thinking it was night. The light faded and it got COLD. Then it swept over us and for miles around people CHEERED.

    Heart-shaking. Glorious. The sheer scale - literally astronomical.

    Of all the humans who ever lived, how few saw the heavens move like this? Will you even live to see one again? (Not so close to drive, no.) Will you live wondering “what if I’d tried?” No. Live knowing you took a shot.