Computer related:
- Don’t be your family computer savy guy, you just found yourself a bunch payless jobs…
- Long desks are cool and all, but the amount the space they occupy is not worth it.
- Block work related phone calls at weekends, being disturbed at your leisure for things that could be resolved on Mondays will sour your day.
Buying stuff:
- There is expensive because of brand and expensive because of material quality, do your research.
- Bulk buying is underrated, save yourself a few bucks, pile that toilet paper until the ceiling is you must.
- Second hand/broken often means never cleaned, lubricated or with easy fixable problem.
In Portland, these “polite” drivers WILL STOP for people who want to cross in the middle of the street.
It drives me insane as a pedestrian.
I’m in Portland as well, and as a cyclist, it annoys me no end when a driver with no stop sign stops and waves me through my stop sign. I call them “niceholes”.
All of Washington too. Coming from Texas, these people are just as dangerous as the drivers speeding.
Quick question, you American? If yes; well, duuh
I think they probably meant Portland, Kazakhstan.