I’m talking for example about Apple relying on child labor in China for cheap labour, being directly responsible for suicides in the factories of their Chinese partners, them sabotaging their clients phones to make them slower.

Not only limited to apply but also others like Facebook, Google,… Ideally the information should be presented in a simple and easy to get format.

  • @[email protected]
    19 months ago

    It’s like people still hating on Sony for their music division’s CD rootkit scandal from… 2005 I think?

    • @[email protected]
      19 months ago

      And people hating on nestle for capitalizing on pregnant mothers - like we exist to give them money, why can’t we start acting like it

    • @MrPoopbutt
      19 months ago

      If they did it once, they’ll do it again. Maybe not the exact same thing… while history may not always repeat itself, it nearly always rhymes.