I should be studying right now, but everytime I sit to study, I can’t sit there long enough, I want food even though I am not hungry, I want to watch TV/youtube, self-pleasure… etc…

No matter what productive work I want to do, I will try to not do that and do something which gives me momentary pleasure. I want to masturbate, eat lots of food even though I am not hungry while watching TV/Youtube and I don’t seem to be able to break the cycle and it’s destroying me. How can I break the cycle and do something good for a change instead of pleasuring myself in the moment meaninglessly?

  • @kava
    31 year ago

    This can be especially difficult if you work from home or are a student. I have a long list of projects I’ve started and given up. I end up wasting time sometimes browsing the internet, watching short videos, playing chess, etc.

    The trick is just to keep trying. Forcing yourself to sit down and work for even just 10 minutes is a success. The more you do it, the easier it gets. Try to make it a habit and it becomes effortless.

    Sometimes I’ve had success with certain apps / browser extensions that block certain sites during certain times. For example, from 9am -> 3pm I have “lichess.org” and “chess.com” blocked so I can’t waste 30 minutes compulsively playing bullet chess. Sometimes I still do, but that extra step of having to disable the blocker does prevent a lot of the time wasting.

    I guess the question also is - are you meeting your deadlines? Are you completing the responsibilities given to you? I always meet my deadlines, my main issue is motivating myself to do my side projects.