Considering the way there are people completely out of touch with reality (Elon Musk, Mark Zuckerberg, Jeff Bezos come to mind, among many others), is it possible that maybe all that greediness made them lose their humanity? Probably not literally but I guess moreso in a metaphorical way.

  • Bacon
    251 year ago

    I don’t like the rich, and I do think that to get that kind of money you fundamentally have to give part of yourself away. But lizard people specifically is an antisemitic trope, and also just outright a lot less believable than them being human but deeply flawed. That sort of thinking can happen to anyone if they get enough money and power, after all.

    • animist
      141 year ago

      Exactly. Calling people who do terrible things “animals” or some specific type of animal almost separates them, as if the only reason they did something bad is because they have a fundamental flaw. This line of thinking allows us to believe we could never be that bad because we are humans and not animals like them.

    • @applejacks
      41 year ago

      But lizard people specifically is an antisemitic trope

      lmao explain

      • Cralder
        41 year ago

        From what I can tell, the lizard people conspiracy theory was started by David Icke, an antisemite and Holocaust denier. There are lots of conspiracy theories that come from the belief that Jews control the world either through media, some secret society or, in this case, by being shapeshifting lizards. This is just another iteration of the idea that Jews are different from everyone else and are trying to control the world.