Former President Trump’s legal team suggested Tuesday that even a president directing SEAL Team Six to kill a political opponent would be an action barred from prosecution given a former executive’s broad immunity to criminal prosecution.

The hypothetical was presented to Trump attorney John Sauer who answered with a “qualified yes” that a former president would be immune from prosecution on that matter or even on selling pardons.

  • @MrJameGumb
    289 months ago

    He’ll go on record saying it was “just a joke” and all his smug braindead followers will claim his sense of humor is too refined for us to understand properly. This really is the timeline where Biff Tannen won…

    • @[email protected]
      139 months ago

      And then about 4 days later, he /will be assassinated/, and then all the chuds will switch to ‘We were joking about joking about it, moron!’, just as we have watched essentially the vast majority of chuds essentially joke about Nazis so hard, for so long, that they simply became them.

      I hate this idiots, for one they have no concept of humor or what being funny entails, for two, uh, they are Nazis.

        • @[email protected]
          9 months ago

          You are correct, the impulse was always there.

          Unfortunately the vast majority of my online former ‘friends’ spent over a decade ‘joking’ about this, eventually devolving into just gaslighting, bullying and exploiting me in many ways.

          I am basically still recovering from their abuse and the sort of shock of finally realizing how awful they are after years of being told that I was ‘being hyperbolic’ and other things.

          Hilariously, the vast majority of my former real life ‘friends’ are basically fake hypocrite leftists who all ended up defrauding me financially, giving me covid twice despite being driven to depression and neurotic break downs over how concerned they were about it, and constantly woke scolding me over whatever social justice issue twitter now told them to care about as I am working at a non profit helping the homeless, being actually trained in how different cultures work differently and you know actually engaging with the people that I am /apparently/ being insensitive to, having good relations with all of them as I am actually working to make meaningful difference in their lives.

          So I am a bit scrambled as to how to accurately and succinctly describe social interactions with anyone I have ever known.

          Anyway, hah yeah if you want a fascist American dynasty family, look no further than the Bushs. Prescott Bush literally started and operated a front bank, before and during WW2, that just money laundered tons of funds from other wealthy Americans into the actual literal Nazi party in Germany, essentially bankrolling Hitlers rise to power.

            • @[email protected]
              9 months ago

              Hrm, ok then. Glad youre just admitting you are jumping to conclusions without actually knowing what you are talking about.

              Theres nothing quite like having the events of my life be summarily rejected as unbelievable because someone basically gets bad vibes and needs to do a full diagnostic vibe check.

      • @Mirshe
        29 months ago

        My god, I hope nobody actually tries it. The worst part is that it’s lose/lose. Fail, and Trump will ride the “someone tried to kill meeeee” train all the way back to the WH. Succeed, and congratulations, you’ve handed a cult the martyr they needed.

    • Flying Squid
      39 months ago

      I don’t know that you can say that a legal argument is just a joke. Although he just says random shit and half of it makes no sense, so who knows?

    • @Pipoca
      29 months ago

      I mean, it’s not something he himself said, so they don’t even really need to do that.

      Basically, what happened was his lawyer was arguing that the only remedy for official actions taken by a president is impeachment; they can’t be prosecuted in court aside from that.

      The judge said “a president ordering seal team 6 to assassinate a rival is an official act, yes?” Trump’s lawyer said “He’d quickly be impeached for that!”, then when pressed more, something about Marbury v Madson presupposing something or other, then finally when pressed for a yes or no as to whether he’d be immune from prosecution, said “qualified yes”.

      The whole exchange is pretty bad and worth a listen.