Basically title, the top mount broke so I screwed the mount to a bench. Only seems to be happening with this filament though as I’ve been running this setup for at least 6 months.

  • @LemmyFeed
    32 years ago

    Like others have said it’s probably drawn in moisture and became brittle. I just wanted to also let you know that you should remove the spool and put it somewhere enclosed with desiccants (silica packets) when not in use for an extended period. I use gallon zip lock bags with 3 or 4 silica packets thrown in, it’s just enough room to hold 1kg spool.

    • @mazkarthOP
      12 years ago

      Thanks so much for the explanation. Basically, this filament sat at work for about 2 years, completely sealed in factory wrap. Decided I’d take it home and give it a shot and it just was crap from the get go. I’ll look at ways to dry it out and see how it goes. Would you say leave it in the bag for about 2 days?

    • Flaky_Fish69
      12 years ago

      If loose/bulk gels interest anyone, there’s plenty of designs for baskets that hold the gels- they usually are meant to fit in the center of spools.