Only 34 bills were passed last year, according to data.

Lawmakers are halfway through the congressional session, and it looks like it could be a historic one for the wrong reasons, according to congressional data.

The 118th Congress is on track to being one of the least functional sessions ever, with only 34 bills passed since January of last year, the lowest number of bills passed in the first year of a congressional session since the Great Depression, according to congressional records.

“Even comparing against other periods of divided government, 2023 was definitely not a high water mark for Congress’ productivity,” Molly Reynolds, a senior governance fellow at the nonpartisan research group the Brookings Institution, told ABC News.

  • @betterdeadthanreddit
    79 months ago

    Guess they’d be pretty happy with what they’ve accomplished by accomplishing nothing. An article like this is high praise in their eyes.

    • @dhork
      79 months ago

      Absolutely. Look at how those Freedom Caucus nutters operate. If they don’t get everything they want, then no one gets anything they want.

      All of us who didn’t storm the Capitol on Jan 6 are the real hostages here.