• @IchNichtenLichten
    66 months ago

    Good grief, no. OP pointed out some valid concerns, which you haven’t bothered to address.

    • Hypx
      6 months ago

      No he didn’t. It’s just a bunch of random talking points and myths. He could’ve copy and pasted that answer from any of thousands of social media posts and it would’ve been nearly identical.

      • @IchNichtenLichten
        16 months ago

        Even with the best production methods, we still can’t store it well long term. It causes embrittlement and corrosion to metals, and since the atoms are about as small as atoms get, it’s very hard to contain in a pressure vessel without leaks or metal impregnation. Making it and using it aren’t the big issue. Storage is.

        Here they are again. Which bits are myths? Please be specific, thanks.

        • Hypx
          -16 months ago

          We can it store it long term. It is one of the major strengths of hydrogen. Your claim is near 180 of reality.

          • @IchNichtenLichten
            36 months ago

            Can you post links to reputable sources? I can’t help but notice your entire account is devoted to shilling hydrogen so I’m not going to just take your word for it.

              • @IchNichtenLichten
                56 months ago

                OP was concerned with the issues around storing hydrogen, the article you linked to doesn’t mention these challenges at all.

                Are they real?




                Also, you never provided any sources to begin with. So you are demanding a double standard here.

                You need to read back. OP raised concerns and you hand-waved them away without evidence. The onus is therefore on you to provide sources, not me. So far you’ve provided one link that doesn’t address these concerns. I’ve provided two that do.

                • Hypx
                  -36 months ago

                  That’s the OP. You didn’t provide any sources yourself.

                  The issue of leakage is just a potential risk, as your own link mentions. In practice, it’s a non-issue. We don’t worry about gasoline begin too dangerous or EVs being too quiet. It is just fearmongering. Like I pointed out in my study, they are looking at hydrogen for long term energy storage, because it is good at it. Your claim that we can’t store for long periods is simply wrong.

                  • @IchNichtenLichten
                    56 months ago

                    Again, you’ve made claims and provided absolutely no sources to back up your assertions.

                    This tells me you’re not being genuine, as does your shilly posting history.

                    We’re done here.