I’ve played and almost 100% the Spyro trilogy when it came out. The games were lovely and (aside from the gorgeous remade graphics) the gameplay has aged really well.

I’ve never cared that much for Crash Bandicoot but I would love a new Spyro sequel.

  • @VerseAndVermin
    21 year ago

    Sadly I haven’t! I have a Vive but it isn’t on there. You got me watching a video and it looks like a lot of fun to!

    Except for the Switch, I haven’t owned a console since the 360. I kind of went hard into PC by accident.

    • @[email protected]
      21 year ago

      My son is 6 and wants a switch. I know there’s a new switch coming this year or next so I’m hesitant. From a value point of view, sales on steam and the back catalogue prices will be much more enjoyable for him. However, it’s where his friends go. We’re in Australia, so no official support or sales here, so we’ll see when it’s his birthday what the lay of the land is.

      • @VerseAndVermin
        21 year ago

        Being 6, I would just go with the game system they like. You and I know PC/SteamDeck are killer but youngins always fixate on what they like. Besides, I have a feeling a switch would be cheaper. Not so sure about a switch 2 being cheaper though.

        Your kids lucky your thinking it out. 😎👍