The Supreme Court ruled on Monday that a web designer can refuse to create websites for same-sex weddings on religious grounds. The case involved a Colorado web designer named Lorie Smith, who refused to create a website for a same-sex couple’s wedding. The couple filed a complaint with the Colorado Civil Rights Commission, alleging that Smith’s refusal violated their civil rights.

  • @joeOP
    91 year ago

    Drag the idea of stacking the SCOTUS into the mainstream so that we can unfuck the court? Drink? A little from column A and a little from column B?

    • @darthfabulous42069
      11 year ago

      What’s going to happen when the right wing puts measures into place (aside from blatant gerrymandering) to stop Democrats from getting their candidates elected, making stopping them impossible legally? 🤔

      • @joeOP
        21 year ago

        I suppose we’ll have to cross that bridge when we get there. For now, though, this is not the case. Vote as if it is the last chance you’ll ever get, every election.

        • @darthfabulous42069
          11 year ago

          Oh, make no mistake, we should definitely vote straight-blue tickets or organize our own 3rd party from now on.

          But this is a blatant setup for genocide. You ever read the 10 stages of genocide? If not, go hit up Human Rights Watch and read it. We’re a hard Stage 7 right now, and that means we need to start preparing for violence now. We can’t wait until the threat is imminent to prepare because by then it’ll be too late.

          • @joeOP
            11 year ago

            I don’t want to set you up for moderator action, but I’m curious as to what “start preparing for violence” looks like to you. Hypothetically speaking.

            • @darthfabulous42069
              11 year ago

              Like buying bulletproof vests to protect themselves from violence that will be coming as a result of this, talking with families and loved ones, having an escape plan in place when things get ugly, arranging to have some place to go to. Like Canada

              • @joeOP
                11 year ago

                I don’t think it’s quite so dire as all that, but if it makes you feel better it can’t hurt.