Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.) said the reelection of former President Trump would be the “end of democracy” in an interview released Saturday by The Guardian.

“It will be the end of democracy, functional democracy,” Sanders said in the interview.

The Vermont senator also said in the interview that he thinks that another round of Trump as the president will be a lot more extreme than the first.

“He’s made that clear,” Sanders said. “There’s a lot of personal bitterness, he’s a bitter man, having gone through four indictments, humiliated, he’s going to take it out on his enemies. We’ve got to explain to the American people what that means to them — what the collapse of American democracy will mean to all of us.”

Sanders’s words echo those President Biden made in a recent campaign speech during which he said that Trump’s return to the presidency would risk American democracy. The president highlighted the Jan. 6, 2021 attack on the Capitol in an attempt to cement a point about Trump and other Republicans espousing a kind of extremism that was seen by the world on that day.

  • @Cold_Brew_Enema
    -548 months ago

    More alarmist thinking from Bernie Sanders. But this is basically reddit so he gets jerked off here, too

    • osarusan
      218 months ago

      Is it alarmist though? Do you think that if Trump wins the election, democracy in the US will be the same 4 years from now as it is today?

      • @Cold_Brew_Enema
        -198 months ago

        I heard all the same shit last time trump was running, too.

        • osarusan
          138 months ago

          You didn’t answer the question though.

          Do you think democracy in the US is the same today as it was 8 years ago?

          And do you think that if Trump wins the election, democracy in the US will be the same 4 years from now as it is today?

          • @Cold_Brew_Enema
            -68 months ago

            Nope, but hard to blame that all on one party. Democrats are useless, too. The GOP is worse. Both put up the worst possible candidates, and each new president spends their time undermining the work of their predecessor. Neither give a shit about doing what’s best for their citizens. Democracy is fucked here regardless.

            • osarusan
              148 months ago

              So it’s not alarmist then. It’s an accurate take.

        • @[email protected]
          128 months ago

          And you got it pretty bad, time and time again Trump has been caught doing things that go agains the interest of the most vulnerable people, just one example, he was president during Covid, he handled awful, so much people died unnecessarily because of him, for his behaviour and personal interests. Something really wrong is happening in usa that this guy possibly is going to be reelected, is bad and sad.

        • iquanyin
          98 months ago

          and indeed, he did a bunch of horrid shit and we as a nation are farther right than ever. his term led to a fucking insurrection and a compromised supreme court, to israel’s fascists being stronger than before, to jamal kashoggi’s murder being swept under the rug, it heightened tension with china, gutted environmental progress and kneecapped a bunch of other agencies and departments we need to survive long term as a democracy. not to mention all the dead citizens and now staunch conspiracy mongers and things like measles making a comeback. shall i go on?