I feel as though even though I’ve pushed very far into the net runner perk tree, my power SMG can still outpace my d5 sidewinder of the same class at any range. the targeting is mediocre at best, with like a 50% chance of the bullet actually hitting, where as the SMG has such a tight spread that its useful even at 20m ranges. I just feel like smart just sent great. what doyall think?

  • Midnight Wolf
    91 year ago

    Hard pass for me. I want my weapons as basic as possible, point and shoot with reliable damage. I only briefly tried a couple and switched back after like 30 minutes.

    But I also don’t do most of the perks/abilities from the skill tree either. I don’t want to have to think about headshotting 3 enemies in 4.5 seconds and then reloading and then meleeing someone to blow them up and cause radius damage that is multiplied by the number of enemies in a 35 meter radius… I see enemy, I shoot enemy, enemy die, I loot enemy, repeat.

    • @[email protected]
      51 year ago

      Hear hear. Dumb weapons for dumb users, like myself. Never really got the gist of smart weapons, even if Skippy was fun for a bit.

    • milkytoastOP
      11 year ago

      yea the skill tree can be a lot sometimes. I don’t even remember what perks I have lol. all I know is I have a lot of net running stuff. very fun to be able to make an enemy simply kermit sewer slide lol

      but yea, with guns, its nice to just shoot and that’s it