• @Wrench
    8 months ago

    If you can build a yacht with your own two hands, you deserve a yacht.

    If you bleed your customers and employees dry to get the funds to buy a yacht, you do not deserve a yacht.

    Edit - To be put another way, suits that spends their days schmoozing with other suits, and dictating priorities at a high level, do not deserve 1000x the compensation of the employees actually doing the work. That profit should be shared.

    • mommykink
      48 months ago

      If you can build with your own hands, you deserve a phone.

      Let me guess, you also built your own car, maintain your own private roads, plumb your house, create your own electricity, and grow your own food?

      People found out about twelve thousand years ago that there’s productivity in numbers and that the most efficient way to produce goods is to let personal interest steer people to create the things they want, and to build an economy based on that.

      As an aside, you do know what a yacht is, don’t you? If decorated pediatric neurosurgeon Dr. Abernathy wants to retire in the gulf and buy a 30 foot yacht for a few hundred grand after a lifetime of service to society, I’m not going to cry about it.

      • @Wrench
        48 months ago

        I suppose my mind went immediately to gratuitous party / mega yachts. But yeah, a modest family sized yacht is an appropriate luxury for an enthusiast.