it does say that theres only 20 in the label, but im more pissed about the waste. everything couldve been put on 3 trays

  • @TheGrandNagus
    461 year ago

    There’s been a shift away from putting pills in bottles.

    IIRC it was pioneered by the NHS (UK), because they found that the mild inconvenience and time of popping out the pills one by one, in comparison to the ease and speed of downing a whole bottle of them, cut down on people attempting suicide by overdose by a surprising amount.

    • @Maggoty
      131 year ago

      That’s… Actually pretty genius. When I’m depressed I don’t have the mental energy to do that.

    • Captain Aggravated
      11 year ago

      That’s how governments work. Not a single penny spent on making life more worth living, but methods of making suicide somewhat less convenient hits industrial scale production.

      • @Redfugee
        21 year ago

        This is such a cynical take. NHS finds a simple change to save lives and you spun it bash on the idea of government.