President Biden and other senior U.S. officials are becoming increasingly frustrated with Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and his rejection of most of the administration’s recent requests related to the war in Gaza, four U.S. officials with direct knowledge of the issue told Axios.

Why it matters: Since the Oct. 7 Hamas attack 100 days ago, Biden has given Israel his full backing, with unprecedented military and diplomatic support, even while taking a political hit from part of his base in an election year. That support has largely continued publicly, but behind the scenes, there are growing signs that Biden is losing his patience, the U.S. officials said.

  • “The situation sucks and we are stuck. The president’s patience is running out,” one U.S. official told Axios.
  • “At every juncture, Netanyahu has given Biden the finger,” Sen. Chris Van Hollen (D-Md.), who has been in close contact with U.S. officials about the war, told Axios. “They are pleading with the Netanyahu coalition, but getting slapped in the face over and over again.”

Behind the scenes: Biden hasn’t spoken to Netanyahu in the 20 days since a tense Dec. 23 call, which a frustrated Biden ended with the words: “This conversation is over.” They had spoken almost every other day in the first two months of the war.

  • Before Biden hung up, Netanyahu had rejected his request that Israel release the Palestinian tax revenues it’s withholding.
  • National Security Council spokesperson John Kirby tried to downplay the decrease in communication, telling reporters on Wednesday that “it doesn’t say anything” about the state of the relationship.
  • But more and more signs of irritation are emerging. “There is immense frustration,” a U.S. official said.
  • @agitatedpotato
    8 months ago

    No one is responsible for someone elses vote. No one ‘allows’ trump to win. Either you vote for him or you don’t. But making someones elses vote my poblem is like me accusing Biden voters of sending weapons to Israel themselves. Tell you what ill take that trade. If Biden voters want to accept that they are necessarily responsible for empowering him to finance genocide, I’ll say third party voters get to be responsible for Trump. All 2% of them. All their fault and no one elses.

    If you’re gonna make third party voters responsible for other peoples votes, the least that could be done is to also be responsible for the guy you actually voted for. Sad truth is most people want to vote to wash themselves of any responsibility. Same energy as those who vote for Biden then completly stop paying attention to politics for the next three years. Wow I wonder why things are still so bad a polarized . . .

    • @jordanlundM
      28 months ago

      Voters who would otherwise vote for a Democratic candidate, allowing themselves to be lured away by candidates who have 0 chance of winning, hurt Bidens position and strengthen Trumps position.

      Say you have just Trump and Biden. They split the vote 45/55.

      Trumps vote isn’t going anywhere. We know that, they’re dedicated.

      Now you throw in RFK who takes 8 points. Stein takes 5. West takes 3.

      Trump 45
      Biden 39
      RFK 8
      Stein 5
      West 3

      Trump wins.

      • @agitatedpotato
        8 months ago

        ‘allowing themselves to be lured away’

        If they usually vote Democrat but dont because they like someone better, thats an issue with the the candidate the democts ran. No party is owed a vote because they got it last cycle. Choosing the candidate you like more is how voting works. And if everyone simply decided to wake up and vote that way, democracy wold be working better. Which bring us back to the point that you can only be responsible for your own vote. Voting as if you’re responsible for what others are choosing is illogical and it’s no wonder that decades of that has gotten us here.

        • theprogressivist
          8 months ago

          Then who do you suggest to be the Democratic Primary over Biden. Everyone demands this, but offer no alternative.

              • @agitatedpotato
                -18 months ago

                Whatever you say, polls aren’t exactly making Biden look like a great choice either. He’s gonna need a lot of luck if Michigan goes back to red. At least my idea stops that from happening.

                • @StinkyOnions
                  18 months ago

                  Polls really don’t matter this early in the election year. But you do you.

                  • @agitatedpotato
                    8 months ago

                    So the polls don’t matter but you’re sure Tlaib is a bad choice because of what exactly? Your gut? Sounds contradictory, but you do you.

        • @jordanlundM
          38 months ago

          It’s not about getting a vote because of the last cycle, it’s about getting a vote to defeat Trump.

          Nobody else is going to do it, it’s Biden or nobody.

          Voting for RFK/Stein/West because “Genocide Joe” only enables Trump, who not only is a more extreme Israel supporter, but plans on bringing their worst policies to the United States.

          Remember when Israel illegally invaded Southern Lebanon?

          Trump wants to do the same thing with Mexico:

          • @StinkyOnions
            68 months ago

            These people don’t give a shit. They’ll be the same people that’ll blame democrats for “letting this happen” when trump wins. The irony will be lost on them.

            • @agitatedpotato
              08 months ago

              It is the Democrats fault if they lose elections. It’s not the job of the voters to vote for Democrats, its the job of the Democrats to apeal to voters. This is basic civics. If a party doesn’t appeal to enough voters, who’s fault is that?

    • @[email protected]
      -18 months ago

      This logic only makes sense if you don’t understand basic game theory, which you obviously don’t. By voting 3rd party you are guaranteeing the worst possible outcome. You are responsible for that in a game theoretical sense whether or not you are responsible for how other people vote.

      • Zuberi 👀
        28 months ago

        tHiS lOgIc OnLy MaKeS sEnSe If YoU dOn’T uNdErStAnD bAsIc GaMe ThEoRy

      • @agitatedpotato
        8 months ago

        I voted third party last time, are you insinuating Biden winning is the worst possible outcome or is your argument just full of BS? Also if my thrid party vote is responsible for that outcome then my third party vote was responsible for Biden so congrats, using your logic I voted for your guy.