• @WaxedWookie
    55 months ago

    because neither term is applicable to any party under discussion. Yet both of you keep using both terms throughout this post.

    Why are you misquoting me in response to someone else? Please by all means point to the communism (or socialism for that matter) here. It’s certainly not coming from the tankies, nazbols or USSR in anything other than name.

    YOU are the ones conflating the 2

    One is a subset of the other, and both are equally irrelevant unless you’ve pointed to the communism/socialism as requested.

    YOU (…) somehow even might believe Russia isn’t the 2nd most popular Capitalist hellscape for war crimes.

    Of what relevance is this beyond confirming my point about American diabolism?

      • @WaxedWookie
        55 months ago

        Broadly, they’d be examples of tankies supporting the conflict.

        As for the rest, it’s sitting with you to continue the conversation by answering my follow-up questions.

        • Zuberi 👀
          -25 months ago

          Tell you to open your eyes to the USA not giving a shit about Ukraine isn’t automatically some kind of russian-plot, or “supporting” the conflict. Most leftists are against the war, but the USA is not against the war.

          I swear the libs on here are equally as disillusioned about the real world as straight-up-republicans. You’ve been lied to your entire lives, teach yourself comrade.

          • @WaxedWookie
            45 months ago
            • You haven’t answered my questions. This isn’t a conversation - it’s just you dumping nonsense on everyone.

            • Noone is talking about a Russian plot involving the US but you. I can’t help you confusing imagination with reality. Tankies, Nazis and Nazbols are generally supporting Russia’s annexation.

            • The US has provided significant support to Ukraine, and Russia is a hostile to the US. It’s in the best interests of the US to support Ukraine with military hardware that would otherwise be decommissioned.

            • I’ve given you no reason to think I’m a lib, and based on the nonsense you’re spouting, I suspect you’re no comrade of mine.

            If this is the level you’re engaging at, I’m not interested. Feel free to take it elsewhere.

            • @[email protected]
              35 months ago

              They’re an obvious tankie troll trying to gaslight you. They even bragged about sending in the Hexbear brigades before deleting their messages to escape the banhammer.

              • @WaxedWookie
                35 months ago

                Cheers - I’m content sitting back and pointing out their stupidity.