• @TokenBoomer
    -15 months ago

    Yeah, the Marxists Leninist are the problem, not the conservative MAGA ghouls that want to enslave women and children… smh 🤦‍♀️

    • @zeppo
      35 months ago

      Problem is the so-called tankies don’t even distinguish between MAGA people in the US and US liberals or Democrats - to them, they’re both “Liberals” as in neoliberals, and for some reason they rarely criticize US conservatives while spending plenty of time criticizing US Democrats. Doesn’t make much sense from their supposed point of view.

      • @PugJesus
        25 months ago

        TokenBoomer is a tankie bootlicker. Ignore them. Their only interest is in sobbing “Why won’t the socdems work with us???” while simultaneously saying that socdems and fascists are the exact same thing.

        “Left unity” to tankies means “Lick out boots until we put a bullet in your head”. Obey the party line!

        • @zeppo
          25 months ago

          I’d be amazed if this person actually lived in the US.

          • @TokenBoomer
            5 months ago

            I, unfortunately, do. So, enjoy the amazement.

            • @zeppo
              25 months ago

              I’ll believe it when I bump into you at the grocery store and apologize for not being communist enough.

              • @TokenBoomer
                05 months ago

                So, you admit you don’t believe in communism. How did I know?

                • @zeppo
                  25 months ago

                  I didn’t say that though. I said not communist enough as I doubt that I’d pass the ideological purity test of thinking that anything short of perfection may as well be MAGA.

                  • @TokenBoomer
                    05 months ago

                    I stand corrected. You do want to replace capitalism with socialism. You passed the test.

          • @zeppo
            5 months ago

            The issue isn’t with wanting to work together - that’s the key point you’re missing. It’s the way left-leaning Americans are lumped in with complete fascists, like it’s either 100% good or “You’re a LIBERAL just like Republicans!” (meaning neoliberal, which is also confusing af in American political terms).

            • @TokenBoomer
              05 months ago

              I’m glad you understand. Education is liberation.

      • @TokenBoomer
        -15 months ago

        If you’re anti-capitalist, Republicans and Democrats are the same. And they criticize both, but…

        I must confess that over the past few years I have been gravely disappointed with the white moderate. I have almost reached the regrettable conclusion that the Negro’s great stumbling block in his stride toward freedom is not the White Citizen’s Counciler or the Ku Klux Klanner, but the white moderate, who is more devoted to ‘order’ than to justice; who prefers a negative peace which is the absence of tension to a positive peace which is the presence of justice

        Martin Luther King, Jr.

        • @zeppo
          35 months ago

          I realize their perspective is purely economic issues. However, it completely overlooks the vast difference on social issues and the fact that MAGA wants to institute a more harsh form of capitalism, plus theocratic dictatorship. Seems like a worthy distinction to me. Plus, that doesn’t explain why they’re so hot to criticize people like Biden and Elizabeth Warren or Hillary Clinton but don’t say jack shit about the various Trump supporting clowns prominent in US politics.

          Yes, thanks for the MLK quote but not sure why you thought I needed to read that again right now.

          • @TokenBoomer
            -25 months ago

            I don’t need you to read it, I need you to understand it. MLK was writing about people like Biden, Hillary and Warren, who are more concerned with rules and order than justice. Trump and MAGA are the KKK. We know what they are.

            • @zeppo
              35 months ago

              Yeah, the socially liberal lite socialists are the problem, not the conservative MAGA ghouls that want to enslave women and children… smh 🤦‍♀️

              • @TokenBoomer
                -25 months ago

                The problem is liberals attacking tankies, who they need to work with to counter the fascism of Trump and conservatives. I want liberals and leftists to work together, but some are so hellbent on purity tests that they fail to see the big picture. Anarchists and Marxists Leninists should know that to ultimately defeat fascism, you have to dismantle capitalism.

                • @[email protected]
                  35 months ago

                  I’m not allying with people defending Russia’s persecution of the LGBT and Russian imperialism. I don’t want to replace an imperialism with another imperialism with an exotic taste.

                  • @TokenBoomer
                    -15 months ago

                    Didn’t realize the tankies were about to invade America. TIL

      • @TokenBoomer
        -15 months ago

        Tankies appear to be whatever you want them to be.

        • @[email protected]
          25 months ago

          Don’t want to be called a tankie? Stop simping for autocracies/ultranationalist hellholes. It’s that simple.

          • @TokenBoomer
            05 months ago

            I don’t care if you call me a tankie, nazbol, or whatever. Just don’t call me Liberal… lol

              • @TokenBoomer
                05 months ago

                Sure, if I can call you a trad-cap.

                • @[email protected]
                  5 months ago

                  I’m surprised a so-called leftist would allow anyone to call them a nazi. Kinda making a point here, thank you.

                  • @TokenBoomer
                    -15 months ago

                    I don’t care what you think of me. I know who I am. Those are just words. It’s the actions that matter. Identity politics is just an expression of class struggle. Labeling people is a form of prejudice. I try not classify groups and discriminate based on political beliefs. Sometimes, people are misinformed and mislead. I’m willing to learn about different ideologies to form my own opinion. The Marxist Leninists I’ve talked to have been friendly and informed.