• @Mango
    -179 months ago

    YouTube, censor my opposition!

    Get your shit straight people. Climate change is real. That doesn’t mean do fascist shit about it.

    • @shartedchocolate
      89 months ago

      YouTube, censor disnformation. The climate isn’t politics. If you’re a platform that amplifies climate disinformation, you should stop that for the good of every other plant and animal. Where your fascist statement came from I have no idea. Young humans are highly impressionable and gullible, setting guardrails on the amount of bullshit they’re permitted to access while their brain is forming isn’t fascism.

      • @Mango
        -59 months ago

        That’s not how your opposition sees it. They think this is all made up for the sake of the alternative power industry. They think your scientists are bought and paid for just the way you think theirs are. As far as I’m concerned, the actual truth of the matter cannot be determined and you all look like you wanna use Nazi tactics to have it your way. Censor the opposition. Indoctrinate the youth. Discredit anyone who says what you don’t like. This is politics.

          • @Mango
            -49 months ago

            There you go with the discrediting right on queue.

            If you’re going to fight for what you think is right, fight the right way or I’ll never recognize you.

            • Zyratoxx
              9 months ago

              This fight has never been fair mate. Oil companies have held back their own studies for decades because those studies weren’t distortable enough to match their views. They do not need scientists paid by “the alternative power industry” to prove them wrong, they managed that themselves.


              There is a quote from a very good HBO series that fits quite well here: “Every lie we tell incurs a debt to the truth. Sooner or later that debt is paid.”


              Apart from that, the comparison to Nazi Germany is used in such a sloppy way that it (even if unintended) casualizes the National Socialist ideology. There is a HUGE difference between censoring information regarded as wrong and National Socialism, like bolstering nationalist identity or discrediting and exterminating (or at least attempting to exterminate) other races - just to name a few examples. So for the sake of its danger please do not use it as a buzzword to overemphasize your point.

              • @Mango
                -29 months ago

                You’re all calling for your opposition to be silenced and you’re tone policing me. Ironic.

                • Zyratoxx
                  19 months ago

                  But climate is not an opinion. It doesn’t change just because the debate forces it to. Politics is debatable, economics is debatable, climate is scientific. Science is where you have to prove your point by providing actual evidence instead of saying “well I think it is so and therefore I am right”… And not just that, your evidence has to be reproducible and is getting reviewed by a plethora of other scientists with most of them having their lives devoted to that subject.

                  In the words of Daniel Patrick Moynihan: “Everyone is entitled to his own opinion, but not to his own facts.”

                  And therefore you should keep it shut until you can provide actual independent source based evidence that your points are valid but as it stands after decades of research on climate even oil companies have given in to the facts and are now trying to greenwash themselves by “offsetting emissions” and - with all respect - the only ones that are still backing climate change denial are profiting off of it, trolls that don’t actually mean what they say and think they are sooo clever by showing everyone how big of douchebags they are, or the stupid followers of first and second.

                  • @Mango
                    19 months ago

                    You haven’t paid any attention to the conversation you entered. I’m not your opposition. I’ve got nothing against climate change. I’m here to point out how your tactics for convincing people are fascist and wrong. It’s also just as possible that we are wrong and silencing our opposition is NOT science.

                    Calling something a fact didn’t mean it’s not debatable. Facts are literally the only thing that can be debated. I can say that the ocean has no water. That’s a fact. That doesn’t make the fact true or undebatable.

                    You need to learn how logic works before bringing your language to a compiler.

    • @Mr_Blott
      69 months ago

      You have to remember that 98% of the people on earth think that absolute freedom of speech is something that only three-year-olds and Tourettes sufferers should have

      It’s incredibly damaging when combined with the internet

      • @Mango
        -59 months ago

        Then obviously the country needs a public forum where freedom of speech is real because it’s government hosted and should have a rather significant crowd it caters to. Literally a forum. A public one. The Internet drowns out those guys standing around court houses and shit with their free speech.