A New York Times analysis of the results released so far estimated that the final turnout will be around 110,000 voters. As of 11:30 pm Eastern time, about 105,000 votes had been recorded. That would be significantly below the 187,000 Republicans who voted in 2016, which was a record turnout. About 122,000 voted in 2012, 118,000 in 2008 and about 87,000 in 2000.

The Trump train is losing major steam. Only 18% of the GOP turned out to vote yesterday. Trump only got half of that GOP vote lol.

  • @Candelestine
    418 months ago

    No complacency on our side. When fascism is marching, it needs to be drowned in a tidal wave of mythical proportions, so they see just how outnumbered they are, how violence won’t work for them. Fear is their tool, it’s what they understand. So, no mercy.

    • Bipta
      88 months ago

      The weather was horrible. No one should be attributing this to anything else right now.