Hope it’s not too harsh for you guys

  • @ThatWeirdGuy1001
    76 months ago

    I’ve lived in an area that gets cold every year my whole life so it’s kinda strange to me to see people struggling with cold.

    Don’t get me wrong I feel for them because the cold sucks but I just can’t wrap my head around not knowing how to stay warm because you’ve never had to before.

    Like it seems intuitive to know how to stay warm but I also know that’s only because I’ve been doing it my whole life ¯⁠\⁠_⁠(⁠ツ⁠)⁠_⁠/⁠¯

    • @[email protected]
      86 months ago

      I’m currently living in the PNW and people are struggling with 18F. Why? Because this entire area is built around a temperate climate. A lot of house have single pane windows and no insulation. Most people don’t have AC (so the extreme heat kills). We will adapt, but it’s going to take people waking up to the new reality.

    • @Madison420
      46 months ago

      So have I but extended dives into negative °F are new and very unfun. We might have had one day every other year that went -3 or so but for the last week almost it’s been 0 or -15 no real in-between and the road salt my city uses is better for your car but doesn’t have enough oomph to go much below 10°F.