• @[email protected]
    9 months ago

    A big part of it that few are willing to look at is the that it is a reaction to the rapid, forceful acceptance of transgender issues in our society and i totally get it. Im not willing to support fascism though just cause i want things to change… im also not willing to argue about this with anyone cause people on both sides of this issue are as closed minded as it gets. edit: i’ve indulged this more than i planned on. i’m now done responding. I’d be happy to explain myself further, even arguing, but the LGBTQ agenda has taken over the internet and anything i have to say that goes against it gets removed because i’m “being a bigot.”… this is fascism guys. MAGA is fascist, LGBTQ is fascist… go ahead and take my words down now. Have a nice day.

    • @[email protected]
      199 months ago

      rapid, forceful acceptance of transgender issues in our society

      Oh! How terrible for you! How can you possibly manage to live your life now that you’re aware of other people’s hardships? This is totally unfair for you!

        • @[email protected]
          149 months ago

          What part of our society is catering to them? The part where we decide it’s wrong to attack them because they are transgender? The part where we think it’s okay for them to have the same rights as everyone else? Please tell.

          • @seth
            139 months ago

            These intolerant people don’t want people who aren’t like them to even exist, much less accept them as a normal part of society. They are happy to ignore sex chromosome differences they can’t necessarily see like YY, XXY, XXX, chimeras with multiple sets of genetic information, etc., while placing their own ignorance over the consensus of scientists, doctors, and psychologists. It’s not much different than racism, really. Just another way of othering.

            • @[email protected]
              49 months ago

              Not to take away from your message, but what you’ve called out is under the umbrella of ‘intersex’ and genetic disorders, not necessarily trans. There can be large overlap between the two, but they are separate things.

            • @[email protected]
              89 months ago

              I’m actually not trans, but I’ve never felt like anyone was “forcing me to participate” in trans culture or society. On the other hand, I have often felt like religious people were pressuring me into their system of beliefs, so if we’re worrying about that sort of pressure, then we should start there.

            • @CultHero
              79 months ago

              You know you sound like a nazi and yet you keep repeating the same nazi propaganda.

              Do you complain about accommodation for anyone else? 🤔 All you have to do is literally not say something offensive to a trans person. That’s it. You don’t have to like trans people, you don’t have to like gay people. Hell, you don’t even have to like black people if you’re a racist. BUT YOU HAVE TO LEAVE THEM ALONE. That is literally all you’re required to do. If leaving people alone is a problem I’m afraid it’s a you problem.

                • @CultHero
                  28 months ago

                  You can’t keep your mouth shut. I’m sure this isn’t the only place you harass trans people online and I’m sure you do it in real life too.

                  All you have to do is leave people the fuck alone, that’s it. If all you lot Just. Left. People. Alone. There wouldn’t be a problem but you can’t even do that. That’s why trans people, hell, any person from a marginalized community has to fear for their safety. You just can’t leave them alone.

                  Have a nice day.

            • @YeeterPan
              69 months ago

              Zero specifics, just platitudes, very cool. Classic right wing 😎

      • @[email protected]
        -149 months ago

        I didn’t say im not willing to change my mind, i said im not willing to argue about it… with people on the internet

    • @Mambele
      139 months ago

      “…im also not willing to argue about this…cause closed minded as it gets”

      • @[email protected]
        -129 months ago

        I didn’t say im not willing to change my mind, i said im not willing to argue about it… with people on the internet

    • @CultHero
      109 months ago

      Hate to tell you but I’m non binary. I’m 49 and knew in 1978 that I was the wrong gender.

      I’m also neurodivergent and there is compelling evidence that there is a connection between gender dysphoria and neurodivergant disorders like adhd and autism.

      Maybe accepting trans people is simply learning to accept that people are built different and that something that is part of a person’s disability should be accepted because people with disabilities should be accepted.

      • @[email protected]
        -239 months ago

        You’re welcome to believe whatever you want to believe but i don’t believe you and i’m not going to argue about it. Have a nice day.

        • @seth
          79 months ago

          Why do you say “have a nice day” when you obviously don’t mean it? You completely othered their existence/identity/personhood immediately before saying, “have a nice day.” Is it easy for you to do that, to depersonalize someone?

          • @[email protected]
            -109 months ago

            This is a belief that people have, i do not share their belief but i still hope they have a nice day. take it or leave it, im not going to explain any further.

        • @CultHero
          69 months ago

          That’s an interesting way to say “I’m a bigot.”

        • @elbucho
          18 months ago

          I love how you transphobes think that you know some stranger’s internal life much better than they know it themselves. So fucking arrogant.

    • kase
      69 months ago

      As a trans person, I absolutely disagree with you on that topic. But I do agree that a lot of the people supporting trump are single-issue voters, whether it be LGBT rights, abortion, immigration, etc.

    • @elbucho
      28 months ago

      You know, just placing “being a bigot” in quotation marks doesn’t make you not a bigot. You are very much a bigot. Like, the very definition of one. So if you’ve got a problem with that, I suggest you take it up with Merriam-Webster.