I’m really enjoying it so far. I’m solidly in the middle of Act 2 and about to start The Winter March part 1.

I’m playing it on my Steam Deck and I’m really liking how I’ve got the controls set up. I grabbed a community template and made some additions of my own. I added a virtual menu for the left trackpad and changed the right joystick to handle scrolling long text and menus.

The story is good and I’m hanging in there on Easy. I figured I’d end up going down to the Story difficulty.

  • idunnololz
    41 year ago

    Dammit PoE is way too overloaded of an acronym. I thought you were referring to Path of Exile and got confused.

    • Shurimal
      61 year ago

      Power over Ethernet
      Perl Object Environment
      PowerOpen Environment
      Product of Experts
      Platform for Open Exploration
      Post Occupancy Evaluation
      Port of entry

      I’m sure there are more.