While Education and Organizing is building the parts for a new engine the rest of the year.

  • @licherally
    488 months ago

    More like of rbg hadn’t been so stubborn and had actually stepped down when Obama was in office, we wouldn’t have a republican majority on the supreme Court.

      • @licherally
        78 months ago

        Because neoliberalism and republicanism are both terrible, and because the DNC is crooked as fuck

    • @Psychodelic
      88 months ago

      Yeah, she totally should’ve stepped down so Obama could appoint… checks notes… Merrick Garland. Oh fuck, never mind I see her point

      Did anyone ever pay attention to most of the people Obama appointed to his cabinet? They were like hand-picked by Wall Street lobbyists.

      • @licherally
        88 months ago

        Yeah and Hillary would’ve been better? What about Amy Coney Barrett?

        • @Psychodelic
          18 months ago

          Obviously not. Wtf? You think someone who criticizes Obama for being a weak politician would support Clinton, a much tougher politician even more committed to neoliberalism? I see no reason to think she wouldn’t have wanted to appoint someone like Garland as well.

          • @licherally
            18 months ago

            Well I mean that is literally the point of the meme we are all commenting under right now, so yes that is what I thought you were saying…

    • @DrPop
      58 months ago

      Didn’t the Republicans stonewall approving a supreme Court justice for 18 months so that their guy, Trump, could appoint one. Then when rgb died they just ignored everything they did and said because they were in charge.