I’ve always just used konsole or gnome terminal. Never really looked into what else is available. Tried cool-retro-term the other day, but the novelty wore off pretty fast for me.

Curious to see if there’s a terminal someone swears by and refuses to use anything else.

  • Caveman
    28 months ago

    I use 3. I never use anything integrated into an IDE for some reason, never started and probably never will.

    • Yakuake as drop down terminal 90%
    • Black box for nice looking full screen terminal for full screen.
    • Dolphin with emulator on bottom for niche things

    If I could only have one for the rest of my life I’d be torn between Yakuake and Konsole. I love Konsole though, used it for years and is all round great for sticking with the DE aesthetics and integrating with themes.