My partner and I are doing a year of trying new activities, none of our friends are organised enough to come as a big group so I thought we could go as a 2. I’m just a bit worried it’ll be full of try hard people/won’t be suitable for first timers and we won’t have fun. Does anyone have any experience?

  • @breadsmasher
    22 years ago

    I’ve been with three others (four of us total). It was the first time for all of us. We were initially on the same team for the first game. There was approximately 20 - 25 people total attending. It was an all day event and anyone could turn up and play.

    It wasn’t intentional but we ended up demolishing the other team first game, as they were majority much younger. We were then split up, two into the other team etc.

    It was great fun!

    • @charastleOP
      2 years ago

      Thanks so much for sharing your experience, I suppose that’s the other way it could go, full of kids!

      If my experience at laser quest is anything to go by, I won’t be the best shot so skill level will probably be equal!