• @ThatWeirdGuy1001
    799 months ago

    Idk if you understand this but the richest companies in America having record profits doesn’t mean the economy is doing well.

    The economy isn’t doing well unless people are paid livable wages that allow them to circulate their money into the economy.

    A bunch of rich fucks getting richer and sitting on the wealth like dragons is not a good economy.

    • Zuberi 👀
      259 months ago

      BINGO. Don’t ever question it. Hand-waving away our democracy for DECADES as the lesser of 2 evils.

      Fuck this shit. Fuck the MIC. Fuck the 1%.

      If you act like a dragon (hoard enough wealth to solve all of humanity’s problems), you deserve to be cut up and fed to the local town of the Hero who ended your life.

      Did that scare you? There aren’t that many of you fuckers. Best of luck.

      • @CADmonkey
        19 months ago

        I’ve been watching a very complex and large house being built over the laat few years. Probably the house of someone important. I’m sure it’s very safe with no easily exploited vulnerabilities.

    • @Aceticon
      9 months ago

      Four decades of neoliberalism and neoliberal propaganda and most people seem to have forgotten (or spent their whole life never hearing about) the “small detail” that, unlike the way politicians spin it, The Economy is a means to an end, not an end in itself.

      The objective is to have people in general have a better life, not to increase a grand-total when either it doesn’t even reflect economic improvement for people in average (for example, GDP goes up but population goes up faster, so it’s actually down per-capita), the improvement in the aggregated amount is so ill-distributed in practice that most people see none of it (or are even worse off) and only a few gain or it comes at a cost for other things which are more important for quality of life (for example, quality of life goes down due to Polution or increased insecurity).

      A government that governs for The Good Of The Economy is not governing for the good of most people, it’s governing for some other group than “most people”, most likely those whose income comes from the ownership of Assets, since Asset values roughly go up with broad Economic growth whilst things like salaries do not.