• metaStatic
    181 year ago

    Bible tl;dr: Jesus died so you DONT have original sin anymore.

    • @rustyfish
      211 year ago

      Was that before or after Goku defeated Buu with the Genkidama?

      • @Asafum
        41 year ago

        Before, Goku died to Radditz to forgive our sins again because we just can’t stop sinning.

        • @Buddahriffic
          1 year ago
          1. And then Goku stood with his 5 companions and they all went super Saiyan. 2. They channeled the energy from their pure hearts (even Vegeta, though everyone did doubt his heart was pure, they let it slide because they really wanted to see the coming fight and Brolly would have been just as questionable) and at first nothing happened and the god of destruction Beerus was about to destroy the world. 3. But then a new kind of energy filled Goku and powered him up even more than SSJ3, though it did not make his hair even bigger and brow even more like that of a pre-human hominid. 4. Instead, it turned his hair red and his ki godly and pleased even Beerus, who once destroyed an entire planet because they burned one side of his toast too much. 5. And then Goku the god looked at Beerus and said, “Let there be fight.” 6. And then they fought and it was good.
    • @Zehzin
      121 year ago

      Tell that to the mfers who keep baptizing people smh

      • Ook the Librarian
        91 year ago

        That sounds like Northern Conservative Baptist Great Lakes Region Council of 1912 talk to me.

    • tygerprints
      21 year ago

      Well there never really was a “Jesus” who saved us from original sin, and the bible is simply a work of misogynistic and bigoted fiction. I don’t need “saving,” I’m not a ‘wretch,’ I was never “blind but now I see.” WRONG. WRONG ON ALL COUNTS!!! I am a human being of great value and worth by virtue of my existence, and I don’t require or want dependency on some fictional idiotic being for my salvation or sense of worth.

      • ℛ𝒶𝓋ℯ𝓃
        41 year ago

        A bit dramatic for this conversation… but given the circumstances with some religious people I absolutely get where you’re coming from. We do not need to be given the right to exist by others - we create our value.

        We do not need to be told morality - we create morality (for we do not need to be told “do not be cruel or you will burn in hell,” as we understand that cruelty is for the weak who wish to be powerful, and not needed by the truly powerful.)

        We do not need a god to align our will to - we can direct our collective wills by our own strength. We are worthy or unworthy of love by our own means - we do not need “forgiveness” from anyone but ourselves.

        • tygerprints
          21 year ago

          Maybe so but I’m nothing if not overly dramatic most of the time. The reason I go all hystrionic and raving about it is, because sometimes I feel like the only way people hear you or even pay attention is if you go ballistic and overstate things.

          We do create our own morality, and as we learned in philosophy classes, morality is an individual (not social) construct.

          I totally agree with your conclusion that we do not need a “god” to align our will to, as humans we’ve accomplished unbelievable miraculous things on our own. Some may say that’s because of divine design, but I say it’s because we’re just that intelligent. Not so intelligent as a god, maybe - but we should trust in ourselves and absolutely be good to ourselves (forgive ourselves as you say).

        • tygerprints
          11 year ago

          OH yeah. I’m doing great, sometimes I get a little carried away with my statements - but I really am doing great. And I feel I owe that to my own hard work and resilience and not being dependent on a fictional diety (but that’s my way of seeing it).

          • metaStatic
            21 year ago

            I sometimes forget that there are people out there that take any of this seriously. I was just explaining a plot point so your reply seemed very out of left field with a chainsaw bear.

            • tygerprints
              01 year ago

              Yeah it was a little heavy handed, I admit. I live in Utah where religion is most people’s way of life, and believe me, they’re dead serious about it to the point that it’s almost frightening.