See the latest from the developers of the latest instalment of the classic fantasy action RPG, Visions of Mana. Adding aerial combat to series staples like t...
Yeah, this is the real rub here. Without the co-op it’s not really anything special, there are even games out there doing Action RPG better these days so I can’t imagine why you’d choose to not embrace the couch/online co-op crowd that’d put this back at the head of the pack.
Seriously, I’ve been dying to find a good couch co-op game and I straight up can’t. I’m just gonna get two or three Bluetooth controllers and do secret of mana with my phone.
Yeah, this is the real rub here. Without the co-op it’s not really anything special, there are even games out there doing Action RPG better these days so I can’t imagine why you’d choose to not embrace the couch/online co-op crowd that’d put this back at the head of the pack.
Seriously, I’ve been dying to find a good couch co-op game and I straight up can’t. I’m just gonna get two or three Bluetooth controllers and do secret of mana with my phone.