• Riddick3001
    9 months ago

    "He believes that societies are degraded by too much cultural mixing, and that unchecked multiculturalism is behind many of modern Europe’s problems. Sellner’s signature proposal is “remigration”, which he says stands for forcibly removing immigrants who break the law or “refuse to integrate”, regardless of their citizenship status. Critics say it amounts to ethnic cleansing.

    And despite condemnation in the media, court-cases and government bans — he was barred from the UK in 2018 and the US in 2019 — his reach has only seemed to grow."

    Imo, it’s democracy that allows people like him to have a voice, but it’s the same democracy they wish to destroy.

    Some fearfull uncritical citizens believe,simply, that 100 to 200 year-old ideas and philosophies will bring them back their lost & spent youth.

    Demagogues just swing their fake magic BS wand, and their target group is enthralled by it. Citizens which support them, are no real Citizens in the sense of the word; they are uncritical and prefer to believe a “Mighty All Father” figure will supply them with easy consumable answers, so they can carry on believing in their own delusional archaic fantasies. But they are "false prophets ", as history has proven over and over again.

    These are undemocratic ideals, to circumvent your own adult repsoniblilties as a member of any society.