• @[email protected]
      1 year ago

      You’re completely right, I described shaving with the extra steps of figuring out what to buy and why to buy it as well as showering and making coffee. I even briefly touched on cooking.

    • @hydrospanner
      11 year ago


      The cherry on top is that this whole ritual is to save someone the hassle of “having to deal with batteries”. The horror!

      I’m not doubting that it’s a more rewarding experience, but it always cracks me up when proponents of an obviously more laborious process in anything also feel the need to act like it’s easier too.

      It’s like baking your own bread, making your own pickles, building your own wooden furniture, or making any number of dishes “from scratch”. Sure it’s probably better in the end, but that’s after buying a bunch of stuff, going through a significantly longer and more tricky process, and often after making mistakes and building an entire new skill set.

      For most people, all it will become is a lesson in why they preferred the original path of convenience in the first place.

      • @[email protected]
        51 year ago

        The cherry on top is that this whole ritual is to save someone the hassle of “having to deal with batteries”. The horror!

        You missed the “a quick and dirty [wet] shave is just as good as an electric one” part, didn’t you. In both cases I’m partly scratchy by noon and fully scratchy come evening. A good wet shave will be about as good in the evening as a quick or electric one is once I get to work.

        For most people, all it will become is a lesson in why they preferred the original path of convenience in the first place.

        If the convenient path gives you a result you’re happy with then take it. There’s a reason I put “personal satisfaction” as a step after “for your lover”.

        I don’t even shave that often. But when I do, I do it properly. I also don’t make Ragout Bolognese that often but when I do, I do it properly. If that offends you then I can’t help you, either.

        • @NewAgeOldPerson
          21 year ago

          A rare sighting of a gentleman in the wild!

          Personally, I will start this when I retire. Right now, I do go to a straight razor shave once a month. Just because it’s nice. Personal care.

        • @hydrospanner
          11 year ago

          You missed the “a quick and dirty [wet] shave is just as good as an electric one” part, didn’t you.

          I didn’t miss it, I just didn’t feel it was worth it to point out how obviously wrong it was.

          Sure they might give equivalent results, but one is significantly faster, easier, and less hassle than the other.

          I’ve done both kinds of shave and there’s no arguing that a wet shave gives the superior results…but pretending that it’s not a lot more fuss and effort is just ridiculous.

      • @xohshoo
        11 year ago

        I use Merkur shaver with Cremo cream. Here’s my process:

        turn faucet on until hot water running. Wet face. Apply cream. Shave. Rinse and dry

        It literally isn’t different from shaving with a cartridge except a better shave, more pleasant, and cheaper. OK, it probably takes 10 seconds extra to change the blade vs popping cartridge, but that’s it

        I shaved with an electric for a couple years, bad shaves and bad skin

      • @[email protected]
        11 year ago

        I’m here to defend pickles!

        We use a quick-pickle recipe, we can make six to eight big jars in under two hours. Even using mediocre cucumbers, they’re WAYYYY better than anything you can buy in stores. You get jars of slices, spears, little pickles if ya want… Pickle diversity! Way less money, too.

        The rest of the things you’ve listed I agree with.

        • @[email protected]
          21 year ago

          Yes! I’ve been growing some hot peppers recently and throwing some of those in with the pickles is amazing if you’re into spice.

        • @hydrospanner
          01 year ago

          Once more, with feeling…

          I’m not saying it’s not more rewarding, better quality, etc.

          But it’s not easier than just buying a damn jar of pickles when you’re at the store.

          I make them and buy them, I garden my own cucumbers specifically to make them. I’ve made quick ones, slow ones, garlic ones, spicy ones…it’s not hard…

          …but I’m not going to pretend it’s faster or easier than buying a jar from the fucking supermarket.

          Because it’s not.

          • @[email protected]
            1 year ago

            Jeez dude

            All of the other things require so much more effort and time for similar results.

            Pickles take not much time and effort and are insanely better and less expensive than picking up a jar at the store.

            I never claimed it’s faster or easier, I’m just saying it doesn’t take anywhere near as much time or effort to make infinitely better pickles than to make bread, shave using a safety razor, MAKING FURNITURE?! etc.

            I don’t know why you’re so defensive, it’s just… I love good pickles, and they’re easy to make. It’s not in the same world as the other stuff ya listed.

    • @[email protected]
      1 year ago

      I mentioned this elsewhere but unless you have sensitive skin you should be able to use a safety razor pretty much like a 3 or 5 blade, ie without a ton of prep. Pretty much wet your face, apply cream (although I haven’t tried it with the cheap foam stuff bc I stopped using those awhile ago), and go to town.

      If you want to make it a whole thing it will probably get you a super close shave in the end, but if your goal is just to shave before work it should work fine in the same amount of time as the multi-blades. I’ve never had much luck with an electric-- I’ve got pretty thick hair and electrics inevitably pull at some of my hairs instead of cutting (I’ve never tried a high end electric though), so discovering safety razors was great for me.