Currently, you see the dislikes on every post. Users not interested in seeing that information and want a net score for the post should have the option to do that, just like in other apps.
Currently, you see the dislikes on every post. Users not interested in seeing that information and want a net score for the post should have the option to do that, just like in other apps.
I like it to see both of them. Feels more transparent.
It gives me anxiety. I propose to have the option in the settings so both of us can be happy.
Sure why not. But why does it give you anxiety? Who cares about anonymous internet points?
I do not know why, but I care. I want my comments to be liked, I take it to heart and get irritated when they are disliked. When I post a tip, I want it to be helpful to others. If it wasn’t helpful, I want to know why. A downvote doesn’t help.
For me, this level of anxiety spans more than internet points, I get bothered by many things on social media. That’s why I prefer social networks that are geared more towards anonymity.
Do I have issues to sort out? Yes, for sure. But until I do that, I find a net score to be more productive for me than seeing the number of dislikes next to the number of likes.