YouTube said in a statement Thursday that it isn’t planning to launch a new app for the Apple Vision Pro, nor will it allow its longstanding iPad application to work on the device. YouTube, like Netflix, is recommending that customers use a web browser if they want to see its content: “YouTube users will be able to use YouTube in Safari on the Vision Pro at launch.”

    61 year ago

    Why do we ever want apps for anything? Because they are better integrated into the system, can offer more functionality and are just more convenient.

    • @DBT
      -11 year ago

      On a phone maybe. But on a computer what more functionality do you really get, since this is more like a computer?

        61 year ago

        Why is it so different on a „computer“? Sure, Spotify specifically is probably not a big deal and the only extra functionality for it are widgets and proper integration into Now Playing. Other apps benefit a lot more.