• X users are complaining about an influx of low-quality ads promoting crypto scams and AI “undressing” apps.
  • The decline in reputable advertisers on X has made the platform more reliant on less reputable ad buyers.
  • The exodus of advertisers, partially due to Elon Musk’s controversial behavior, has left X with a growing revenue gap.

Archive link: https://archive.ph/sbOxS

  • @nomous
    28 months ago

    $52k before taxes, about $41k after. It’s an ok wage a lot of places but I defniitely wouldn’t call it a “life of luxury” anywhere in the U.S. and I’m from one of the LCOL places in the U.S., the midwest.

    You definitely won’t starve but you’re also not going to retire early.

    • @CascadianGiraffe
      28 months ago

      Most of us consider not living check to check as living a life of luxury.

      • @nomous
        8 months ago

        $50k is still very much working class. Yeah you own a car but it’s a 7yr old Nissan sedan, nothing luxurious about it. At $50k you’re not missing that many paychecks before it becomes a very real issue I promise.