The price may be midrange but the specs definitely are not.

  • @Eheran
    111 year ago

    What about updates, bloatware, spyware? A little bit more important than 144 Hz for essentially everything but gaming.

      • @Eheran
        1 year ago

        I do not know one person changing their stock Android, let alone jailbreak iOS. Since it comes with drawbacks like broken banking apps, I would also not do it myself. So if you see a lot of people doing such things, you must know a very specific group of people.

        • /home/pineapplelover
          121 year ago

          You’re on Lemmy my friend. There are a bunch of us running GrapheneOS. Some on CalyxOS, e/os, LineageOS. If you hang out around tech people enough, you’ll meet some that change their Android phone OS.

          • @[email protected]
            81 year ago

            Posting from my Oneplus 9 Pro running LineageOS as a proof we do exist! There are dozens of us. DOZENS!

          • @Eheran
            -11 year ago

            As per the comment below: dozens. Next to nobody does that. Obviously there are going to be some here in this concentrate of tech people.

            • /home/pineapplelover
              41 year ago

              I absolutely agree with you that not many normal people are doing this. Which is why I pointed out that you’ll find more of us in tech places like Lemmy and in other parts of the internet. If you interact outside then a lot of people are on iphones and standard google androids. Most don’t even know the degoogling phone community even exists.

        • @MasterBlaster
          11 year ago

          LineageOS GSI on my Samsung Tab 2019 Has made it still usable to this day, then there’s the one with microg on my Pixel 2XL. Getting rid of play services axed about 800M of RAM usage for me. The Pixel is on Android 14 and the Tab will be the next time I update.

          We are out there, we own our devices, and get value out of them well beyond their predefined expiration dates.

          • @Eheran
            1 year ago

            A tablet from 2019 needed a different OS to still be usable today…? I have 3 people with Galaxy S10 in my family because of me, the latest one got one not even a year ago. They are from 2019. They are perfectly fine with stock OS.

            What does the extra free RAM help with?

            Do not get me wrong. We absolutely need to own our devices and be able to install whatever we want. Or repair it wherever we want or at home.

            • @MasterBlaster
              111 months ago

              Your tablets are premium line. Mine is an A series - budget model - so it was getting old when it was first released. I have an S8 now, and that will last longer.

              Freeing up ram helps in a few ways. First, you can fit more apps in memory, so less unloading. Second, more room for zram swap, reducing reliance on much slower static ram for swap, and prolonging the life of the sd chip, too. Finally, it means that massive spyware is no longer siphoning cpu time from user apps. It’s a win, win win!