• @Katana314
    -51 year ago

    Do you want a friend, or a relationship? That seems very unclear from your phrasing.

    The least you can do for people is be honest. Even if it leads to mild rejection heartbreak, it’s dishonest and hurtful to falsely claim you just want a friendship. Some women are just trying to make friends so they have people to fall back on socially, and find out the only three people they hang out with planned to get into their pants at some point. That’s not good for anyone.

    • @WoahWoah
      1 year ago

      No, I’m in a very long and stable relationship, and I have many very wonderful friends. I do enjoy meeting new people, though. You seem super nice, but I’m all set, but thank you so much for asking! You’re so sweet! 🥰

      • @Katana314
        1 year ago

        I really would’ve thought the context of being in a conversation about how people gain relationships would’ve made clear I was asking about ‘what you’re seeking’ when you give this theoretical relationship advice, rather than suddenly attempting a lifelong connection via internet comments, but hey, whatever floats your ego (even if that’s clicking a ‘down’ button).

        • @WoahWoah
          1 year ago

          Oh no worries! I’m not downvoting you at all! I really appreciate you! Thank you so much!